

The population of Bakassi is in the middle of a historic resettlement. Following a protracted border conflict dispute between Cameroon and Nigeria, both governments began a handing-over of the peninsula to Cameroon in 2006.

Manyu County

The people of Manyu share common borders with Nigerians in the West, the Widikum people to the North-East, Nweh and Mundani people to the East and the Mbo people to the South-West. Mamfe is the Headquarter of Manyu County and the total land area occupy approximately 65,488 square kilometers in the four subdivisions of Mamfe Central, Akwaya, Eyumojock and Upper Bayang of the South West Region of Ambazonia.

Lebialem County

The name ‘Bangwa’ conveniently describes all the inhabitants of this cluster of nine chiefdoms although they do not, in any sense, constitute a tribe or a single political unit. The word derives from the stem Nwe (or Nwa in the northern dialects) which refers to both the country and the language. ‘Bangwa’ therefore correctly refers to the people who speak Nwe and inhabit the narrow strip of country in West Cameroon which forms the foothills of the section of the East Cameroun plateau inhabited by the Bamileke. The term Nwe is, moreover, used more specifically to describe the highland areas of the four chiefdoms, Fontem, Fotabong, Fonjumeter and Foto Dungatet.

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