Unity in Purpose
One People. One Nation.

Interim Federal

Amba Dues Registration Ongoing

Find and explore the different government departments


DCIT is created to plan and implement world class communication facilities to serve Ambazonian citizens


To promote constitutional democracy and improve compliance through ethics management, auditing, monitoring and evaluation of State institutions.


To create a reputable & world-class educational system from primary and secondary levels through university and professional educational levels and beyond

Homeland Security

DHS has a vital mission: to secure the nation from threats  both foreign and domestic

Foreign Affairs

DFA is to ascertain and maintain a peaceful, prosperous, fair, and democratic bilateral relationships that benefit our citizens

Home Affairs

DHA’s mandate is to lay the cornerstones for a prosperous Federal republic, enabling all citizens to be served by their Interim & future governments.

Health Services

The Department of Health and Social Services(DHSS) is created to ensure that our nations prosperity can be ensured by healthy citizenry.


The Judiciary ensures that the respect for law should deliver peace and justice and fairness  in all spheres of life in Ambazonia.

Finance & Economy

DEF is created to harness human and material resources for our nation’s inclusive growth.

Ambazonia War Draft

AWARD (Amba WAR Draft) is an initiative launched for all 13 counties to adequately fund ALL legitimate  Community Groups fighting to end the ongoing Genocide in Ambazonia.

Statement from the President

On behalf of the people of the FROA, upon their independence, I would like to suggest this to the Ambazonian parliament.
''That, to contribute to humanity, alleviate poverty and human suffering. An independent FROA should be open to naturalize between 500k-800k of Stateless citizens around the world. This would create an enabling environment for such Stateless citizens to unlock their potentials and contribute to the greater good of the world.
FROA has reasonable surface area, good climate and fertile soil in addition to the hospitality of the people''.
Chris Anu for the IG, FROA

Nation Builders' Toolbox

So that citizens of our new Republic may have every opportunity to help and contribute to fashioning a new social, political and economic order in the life of the State, the Federal government will make available such information here to engage and facilitate all our citizens to embrace the world of prospective opportunities present in all the spheres listed herewith:

County Profiles