The Restoration Council
The Restoration Council is made up of former members of the Governing council plus representatives from the region where Ambazonians live around the world.
The RC should have a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary to administer its affairs.
The RC should create committees with committee chairs to interact with different mandates given to the executive in the interest of the people.
In the absence of a political party system the legislative arm of government is represented in the interim government by the Restoration Council and its committee’s agents.
The Restoration Council represents the interest of the people and their needs.
RC draws its mandate from the people on an ongoing basis and the bylaws that lays the foundation for an open, progressive society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights. It is the supreme law of our country in the interim and ensures government by the people for the people. In other words, the bylaws is the highest law of the land and everyone must act according to its provisions and principles, even the Restoration Council.
Responsibilities of the Restoration Council
Plan, help execute, monitor and closeout projects.
Establish project management framework/ guidelines for the IG.
- The Restoration Council plays a direct and active role in national affairs of the Federal Republic. It is the place where the members look after the people’s interest.
- The responsibilities of the RC include but not limited to:
- Making rules in the interim and laws in the future that will improve the lives of ambazonians;
- Discussing and debating government policy and other issues of national interest;
- Consulting with the people, and representing their views in the council;
- Helping the people in their constituencies or locations worldwide;
- Approving the budgets of government departments, as presented to council by the president through the secretary of state for economy and finance;
- Making sure that the work that government promised to do is being done;
- Checking that public money is being spent wisely;
- Approving the mandate of the executive;
- Promoting unity and a healthy relationship between the arms of the state;
- Ensure efficient co-operative governance between the spheres of government,
- Ensuring appropriate links with ambazonians at home and in the diaspora.
- As custodian of the people’s interest and their needs the Restoration Council plays the role of the legislature in the interim and has jurisdiction over holding all accountable in the execution of any business that is in the interest of the people of Ambazonia.
- The RC does so by directly calling the executive to account or through its agents like the Ethic and compliance commission, state accountability office or M&E etc. The Restoration Council also has jurisdiction in mandates to the executive and monitoring its implementation through different committees’ setup by the Council.