State Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS)

The Department of Health and Social Services is created to lay the foundation for a healthy and socially inclusive Federal Republic of Ambazonia. To do this it has to improve health status through developing and implementing and implementing a health and social policy that promotes: Socially inclusive programs; healthy lifestyles; improves the healthcare delivery system by focusing on access, efficiency, quality and sustainability.
Strategic Vision
To deliver be a world class comprehensive and affordable healthcare system, while prioritizing the social development framework for the people of Ambazonia.
Department of Health and Social Services has jurisdiction over the health, social well-being of the people.
This State Department is mandated to plan, execute, monitor and continuously improve programs that will positively impact the health and social welfare of the people of Ambazonia.
Department of Health and Social Services – Key Roles/ programs/ Outcomes
- Develop a ‘Track and care for system’ for all victims of the struggle.
- Engage with donors, NGOs and other international organizations in the health and social services sector, to secure aid to our people.
- Develop a firm foundation for the future Health and Social services sector in the Federal Republic by;
- Developing a social policy framework that advances gender equity, children rights, people with disabilities, senior citizens and ensures social security for all
- Formulating health laws and keeping checks and balances on medical facilities.
- Assisting the government in making health related policies and regulations to better the health standards.
- To make the latest medical technology available for improvement in healthcare services.
- To take action against the drug abuse and curing the patients who are the drug addicts.
- Improving the research activities to improve the effectiveness of healthcare services.
- Opening government –funded hospitals for the health care of the citizens.
- Participate in the process of getting competent personnel in each directorate, for the day to day operations of the Directorate.
- Ensure the effective day-to-day function of the workplace(s), through proper delegation of functions.
- Vigorously pursue the Sustainable development Goals that pertains to the Health Sector.
- Partner with other State Departments, State Agencies, Organizations and Stakeholders as a whole (as the need arises) in the pursuance of the overall goals of the Nation.
- Perform of duties as may come up from time to time or as may be assigned by the President from time to time.