
Donga Mantung County
There are three (03) ethnic groups that make up the Nwa sub-division (municipality): the Mfumte, the Yamba and the Mbaw.
Nkambe Municipality comprises people who are of one ethnic group - the Tikari tribe. They all form a tribe known as the Wimbum. The tribe makes 94.50% of the population of the Council area. The majority population In Ndu is made up of the Wimbum people and the language is Limbum whose ancestors hailed from Tikari in the Adamawa Region of Cameroon.
Donga-Mantung county covers an area of 4279 km² and as of 2001 had a total population of 337,533.
The capital of the department lies at Nkambe. In descending order of population size, the four communes of Donga-Mantung are: Ndu, Nwa. Nkambe, Ako and Misaje. Donga-Mantung is the 4th largest county in the country, the 6th most populous, 10th in population density.
Important indices of iron ore are reported in Kofffa, Mbepji, Kwaja and Adere and environs -Precious metal compounds containing gold, nickel, cobalt, tin, etc are reported along banks of Fih stream, Adere and Lus vicinity, hilltops of Ncha, Bitui, Koffa etc -Industrial minerals such as sand, clay, and rocks are nearly everywhere. Mineral resources are limited to sand, stones and laterite quarries. Sand is abundant in the municipality, but most of the sand is not of good quality. Good quality sand is mainly available in Ntaba at the border with Nwa. Stone quarries are abundant in the municipality and is of the best quality. The products are either use for house or road construction. The construction and tarring of the Ntaba -Ntumbaw road used only material from the Ntaba quarry which is quite unique. There is also another concrete stone quarry in Mpipgo of excellent quality. Other stone quarries are dotted all over the municipality.
Food diversity is high. Food and cash crop produced include:-maize, plantains, bananas, guinea corn, beans and soya beans, cassava, potatoes, coco yams, oil palms, oranges, rice, pawpaw. Robusta coffee and rice are mostly gowned on the Mbaw plain while other crops are grown everywhere. -Large ruminant (cattle, horses) are reared on the hills where a lot of grass is found, 10 Ardorates (Rom, Ngung, Kwaja, Mbem, Ngamfe, Ntem, Nking, Mfe, Yang, and Mbepji) and a number of herds on the Mbaw plains. - Fish from Mape dam and numerous fish ponds scattered all over Nwa sub-division. With 255,000Tonnes of food crop produced annually, Donga-Mantung ranks second as a food-crop production county in the nation and is 4th in per capita production in this sector. Donga-Mantung’s overall profile and GDP contribution is most similar to Bui, and somewhat comparable to Mezam & Ngo-Ketunjia.