Ethics and compliance Commission

To promote constitutional democracy and improve compliance there is a need to have ECM as a state institution promoting constitutional democracy through ethics management, auditing, monitoring and evaluation of state institutions. The ECM Commission is not a decision-making agency. It can only recommend through its reports to the RC and office of the President. THE ECM commissioner is proposed by the President and confirmed by the RC. The ECM commission is the only state agency with the right to request and gain access to information about the operations of any organ of the state in order to achieve the outcomes of any of its three prong mandate. The ECM commissioner has no executive authority and cannot directly interfere in the decision making process of any department except called upon to do so by the RC. The ECM commission makes its reports to the RC and President but is accountable to the RC.
Strategic Vision
To deliver an enabling environment for free speech, access to information and quality new communication technologies at affordable prices.
Programs and Outcomes<Office of the State Auditor
- Producing Quarterly financial audit reports
- Producing Yearly financial audit reports
- Auditing special projects except classified / black account projects
- Producing discretionary audits, performance audits and Special Audits.
Office for `Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation<
- Development of management performance assessment tool
- PM&E capacity development
- Recommending capacity building gaps
- Citizens-based monitoring
Office of the Ethics commissioner
- Develop and roll out ethics and etiquette standards for Ambazonian Public service
- Conduct compulsory induction for all senior departmental personnel
- Conduct conflict resolution / arbitration as mandated by President of RC
- Build and market a message of citizenship and unity across all spheres of government.
The ECM commission and its three functions are the eyes of the people of Ambazonia and has auditing, M&E, and ethics management jurisdiction across all spheres of the federal government as mandated by the RC.
The ECM Commission does not have powers over the executive function except in the performance of its compliance role as mandated.
The ECM commission only makes recommendations internally and its work is not public.
It is at the discretion of the President or RC to make public any reports of the ECM commission.